
6 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $79.00
2+ $75.00

Pelvicachromis sacrimontis, commonly known as the Blue Pelvicachromis, is a charming freshwater cichlid species appreciated for its striking appearance and peaceful nature. These cichlids are characterized by their vibrant blue coloration and intricate patterns, adding a touch of elegance to aquariums. Pelvicachromis sacrimontis thrive in well-maintained tanks with stable water conditions and are known for their compatibility with other peaceful fish species. They are a favoured choice among aquarists and enthusiasts, adding a dynamic and colourful element to the aquatic environment, making them a delightful addition to any aquarium.

Pelvicachromis sacrimontis 1

6 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $79.00
2+ $75.00