
10 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $7.50
4+ $7.00

The Brachygobius sabanus, commonly referred to as the Mekong Dwarf Bumblebee Goby, is a small and vibrant freshwater fish native to the rivers and estuaries of Vietnam. Renowned for its striking black and yellow striped body, this goby mimics the colouration of a bumblebee, which adds a vivid contrast to any aquarium setup. Typically growing to just 3-4 cm (1.2-1.6 inches) in length, the Vietnamese Bumblebee Goby is ideal for nano tanks or as part of a larger community aquarium with similarly sized, peaceful species.

Preferring slightly brackish water conditions, this goby thrives with a fine sandy substrate and plenty of hiding spots such as rocks, driftwood, and dense vegetation to mimic their natural habitat and reduce stress. The Vietnamese Bumblebee Goby is a bottom-dweller who enjoys scavenging for food and is best fed a diet of small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and microworms to maintain optimal health and colouration.

Due to their peaceful nature and distinct appearance, the Vietnamese Bumblebee Goby is a popular choice among aquarists seeking to add unique biodiversity and visual appeal to their tanks. Care should be taken to ensure the tank is well-maintained with stable water conditions, as gobies can be sensitive to environmental changes. With the right care, these gobies provide an engaging and colourful addition to any suitable freshwater or brackish aquarium.

SKU: 509.9001 Categories: , ,
Brachygobius sabanus MEKONG DWARF BUMBLE BEE GOBY 1

10 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $7.50
4+ $7.00