
10 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $39.00
3+ $33.00

The Freshwater Cherry Spider Crab, scientifically known as Amarinus Laevis, is a fascinating crustacean species prized for its unique appearance and interesting behaviour. Originating from freshwater habitats in Australia, this little crab adds a touch of intrigue and charm to any aquarium. The Freshwater Cherry Spider Crab creates a captivating display as it scuttles gracefully through the water. These crabs are known for their peaceful nature and can thrive in community tanks with other non-aggressive fish species. They prefer well-oxygenated water with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves, rocks, and plants. Providing them with a varied diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, and occasional live or frozen foods will ensure their health and vibrancy. Due to their peaceful demeanour and low maintenance requirements, Freshwater Cherry Spider Crabs are suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists looking to add an exciting and unusual inhabitant to their aquarium. Overall, the Freshwater Cherry Spider Crab is a delightful and captivating addition to freshwater aquariums, offering both beauty and intrigue to the aquatic environment.

freshwater cherry spider crab 1

10 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $39.00
3+ $33.00