Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $75.00.

6 in stock

Apistogramma velifera, commonly known as the Sailfin Apistogramma, is a remarkable dwarf cichlid species renowned for its distinctive elongated dorsal fin and vibrant colouration. This unique fish is native to the slow-moving rivers and streams of the Amazon Basin in South America, where it thrives in soft, slightly acidic water. It prefers a well-planted environment with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves and driftwood, to mimic its natural habitat. Apistogramma velifera is generally peaceful but may become territorial, especially during breeding. It’s best kept in pairs or small groups and can be housed with other small, peaceful fish.  The Sailfin Apistogramma is a stunning and fascinating addition to any aquarium.

apistogramma velifera 1

6 in stock