
10 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $36.50
4+ $35.00

Julidochromis ornatus, commonly known as the Golden Julie, is a small and dazzling cichlid species native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. These charming fish are highly sought after by aquarists for their striking appearance and intriguing behavior.

The Golden Julie is known for its distinctive black and white striped pattern, which extends from its head to the tip of its tail. This eye-catching coloration adds a touch of elegance to any aquarium they inhabit.

These cichlids are territorial in nature and often form pairs. They prefer well-structured tanks with rocks and caves for hiding and breeding. Maintaining stable water parameters and offering a varied diet is essential for their health and vitality.

Julidochromis ornatus is a captivating addition to any freshwater aquarium, and their unique beauty makes them a favorite among cichlid enthusiasts.

SKU: 903.5394 Categories: , Tag:
julidochromis ornatus golden julie 1

10 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $36.50
4+ $35.00