
5 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $29.00
2+ $25.00

Apistogramma panduro, also known as the Panduro Apisto, is a captivating species of dwarf cichlid originating from Peru’s Amazon Basin. This species is highly prized for its striking colouration, with males displaying vivid blue hues and females showcasing more subdued tones. Yet, both genders possess distinctive markings that add to their allure. They prefer environments resembling their natural habitats, such as soft, acidic water and a tank setup replete with hiding spaces like driftwood, rocks, and dense plantings. Apistogramma panduro exhibits a peaceful temperament, making it a suitable addition to community tanks with similarly sized fish. However, they can become territorial during breeding. Offering a balanced diet and maintaining optimal water conditions are key to their care, making them a rewarding choice for aquarists looking to add a touch of exotic beauty to their aquariums.

Apistogramma Panduro 1

5 in stock

Multibuy Offer

Quantity Multibuy Price (per fish)
1 $29.00
2+ $25.00