White Saum Green Terror Care Guide
The White Saum Green Terror (Andinoacara rivulatus) is a striking variant of the Green Terror cichlid, distinguished by its white or pale blue saumal fin highlights. Known for its vibrant colours and impressive size, this cichlid is a popular choice among experienced aquarists. Its bold personality and dramatic appearance make it a focal point in any aquarium.
Natural Habitat
In the wild, the Green Terror cichlid, including the White Saum variant, is native to the freshwater rivers and streams of the Andean region in South America, particularly Colombia and Ecuador. They inhabit slow-moving waters with plenty of submerged vegetation, rocks, and sandy or gravel substrates, which provide them with hiding spots and territories.
Aquarium Setup
A 75-gallon tank or larger is recommended for a White Saum Green Terror, providing ample space for swimming and establishing territory. The aquarium should be decorated with rocks, driftwood, and other hardscape elements to mimic their natural habitat. A sandy or fine gravel substrate is ideal. Strong filtration is necessary to handle the significant bioload of this cichlid, and regular water changes are essential to maintain water quality.
Water Parameters
The ideal water temperature for White Saum Green Terror ranges between 72°F and 78°F (22°C to 26°C), with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Regular water changes of about 20-30% per week are crucial to keeping the water clean and stable.
Diet and Feeding
White Saum Green Terrors are omnivorous and benefit from a varied diet. High-quality cichlid pellets or flakes should form the base of their diet, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Offering occasional vegetable matter, like spirulina flakes or blanched spinach, will help ensure balanced nutrition. A varied diet supports their health and enhances their colours.
Behaviour and Social Structure
White Saum Green Terrors are known for their territorial and sometimes aggressive behaviour, particularly towards other cichlids or fish that invade their space. They are best kept either alone or with other robust fish that can tolerate their assertive nature. Providing plenty of hiding spots and visual barriers can help reduce stress and territorial disputes.
Compatibility with Other Species
Due to their size and aggressive tendencies, White Saum Green Terrors should be paired with other large, robust fish that can coexist peacefully. Suitable tank mates include larger cichlids, catfish, and other fish species that are not prone to fin-nipping or aggression. Avoid housing them with smaller or more timid species, which may become targets of their territorial behaviour.
Breeding White Saum Green Terrors in captivity can be achieved with proper care. They are substrate spawners and will lay eggs on flat surfaces or in a dug-out area of the tank. Providing a separate breeding environment or ample space and hiding spots will help encourage spawning. Once the eggs are laid, the parents will guard them fiercely. The fry can be fed infusoria or finely crushed food once they are free-swimming.
Health Considerations
White Saum Green Terrors are generally hardy but can be prone to common freshwater fish diseases such as ich, fin rot, and mouth fungus. Maintaining high water quality, providing a balanced diet, and monitoring for signs of illness are essential for their health. Regular tank maintenance and prompt treatment of any health issues will help ensure their well-being.
The White Saum Green Terror is a stunning and dynamic addition to any aquarium, known for its impressive appearance and bold personality. With appropriate care, a well-maintained environment, and attention to their specific needs, they can thrive and become a captivating centrepiece in a suitably equipped tank.