Elongatus Chewere Cichlid Care Guide
The Elongatus Chewere Cichlid (Lethrinops elongatus) is a strikingly beautiful cichlid native to Lake Malawi in Africa. Known for its elongated body and vibrant colours, this species is highly valued in the aquarium trade for its unique appearance and dynamic behaviour.
Natural Habitat
In the wild, the Elongatus Chewere Cichlid inhabits the rocky shorelines and clear waters of Lake Tanganyika. It prefers areas with rocky substrates and crevices where it can find shelter and establish territories. These conditions are crucial for their natural behaviour and breeding habits.
Aquarium Setup
A spacious tank of at least 75 gallons is recommended for the Elongatus Chewere Cichlid to accommodate its active nature and territorial behaviour. The aquarium should be decorated with plenty of rocks and caves to mimic its natural habitat and provide hiding spots. A sandy or gravel substrate is ideal, and strong filtration is necessary to maintain water quality and handle the bioload.
Water Parameters
The ideal water temperature for Elongatus Chewere Cichlids ranges between 74°F and 80°F (23°C to 27°C), with a pH level between 7.5 and 9.0. They thrive in alkaline to slightly basic water conditions. Regular water changes of 20-30% per week are important to keep the tank environment stable and clean.
Diet and Feeding
Elongatus Chewere Cichlids are primarily herbivorous, but they will also accept a varied diet. Their diet should consist of high-quality cichlid pellets, spirulina-based foods, and occasional live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia. Providing a balanced diet supports their health and enhances their vibrant colouration.
Behaviour and Social Structure
This species is known for its territorial and sometimes aggressive behaviour, especially during breeding. They are best kept in a species-specific tank or with other Tanganyika cichlids that can handle their temperament. Providing ample hiding spots and territories can help mitigate aggression and stress.
Compatibility with Other Species
Elongatus Chewere Cichlids are best kept with other robust cichlids from Lake Tanganyika that can tolerate their territorial nature. Suitable tank mates include other cichlid species that share similar water conditions. Avoid keeping them with smaller or less robust fish that may be stressed or bullied.
Breeding the Elongatus Chewere Cichlid in captivity is possible with the right conditions. They are substrate brooders, and successful breeding requires a well-maintained tank with stable water parameters and ample hiding spots. The female lays eggs on a flat surface or in a cave, and both parents help guard the eggs and fry.
Health Considerations
Elongatus Chewere Cichlids are generally hardy but can be susceptible to common cichlid diseases such as ich, mouth rot, and fin rot. Maintaining high water quality, providing a balanced diet, and monitoring for signs of illness are essential for their health. Prompt treatment of any issues will help keep them in good condition.
The Elongatus Chewere Cichlid is a stunning and dynamic species that adds considerable interest and beauty to a well-maintained aquarium. With proper care, a suitable environment, and attention to their specific needs, they can thrive and be a rewarding addition to any cichlid enthusiast’s collection.